Images from ATLAS of ASPECT CHANGE by Tine Melzer, ©2022

“The Oldest Thing”

In Ruth van Beek’s new book The Oldest Thing it is ordinary objects that take on a body and life of their own.In the artist’s hands, images of banal objects become moving matter, undergoing a process of deconstruction through which strange and ambiguous forms are uncovered and teased into focus. In the constellations of images… Continue reading “The Oldest Thing”

A PLAY (performance)

This book reproduces Gertrude Steins Objects Lie On A Table (1922), a modernist play told through still life. Objects appear on the eponymous table and are transformed, from their humble selves into symbolic representations or characters in a series of cryptic narratives. Surpassing the representational aspects of language, the text is structurally illegible. James Langdon’s… Continue reading A PLAY (performance)

i THINK and I think i’ve THOUGHT a thought

Through the vocal cords to form its pitch, into the mouth, where the tongue and teeth give its final texture and push the word outside the body, into the air. With his own spatial language, Josse Pyl examines the intuition that lies behind our perception of the world in order to show the machinery behind… Continue reading i THINK and I think i’ve THOUGHT a thought

Upfront |1.20 x 5m

For more than twenty years, the billboard in front of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam is a stage for printed art, design and (school)announcements. Throughout the years it also functioned as a showcase of what is possible at the school’s screenprinting shop, seducing students to come down and try this versatile technique for themselves.… Continue reading Upfront |1.20 x 5m


©2021, In a near future of a distant universe, the system decided to run away. Business people are trying to save corporations for their own interest. A robot is caught up in their mess… This 4 hands comic depicts a (not so serious) sci-fi story inspired by Guy Debord and Britney Spears. Victoria is a… Continue reading Corpogate

Dear Clay

Dear S, I have been thinking about my last visit to your studio lately. The one in which you revealed the collection of black sketchbooks you had been keeping for the past decade. I have always been pretty bad at keeping sketchbooks myself despite my love for drawing. This is maybe why I got attracted… Continue reading Dear Clay

Nora Turato, Pool 5 book spread, 2022, © Nora Turato

The Visual Code of Photography: Books by Ruth van Beek

Ruth van Beek (born 1977) is a Dutch photographer, an artist living in the small town ‘Zaandijk’ on the Zaan river close to Amsterdam. She studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy where she has been teaching now, for many years. Her work has been shown worldwide in various solo and group exhibition. Ruth says about… Continue reading The Visual Code of Photography: Books by Ruth van Beek

Paris Mortel |retouched

This book presents next to a complete facsimile of the original Paris Mortel ©1963 a full documentation of the creation process that resulted in Johan van der Keuken’s classic publication. In addition to an extensive introduction and background information provided by the composer Willem van Zoetendaal, the book also contains a selection of photographs from… Continue reading Paris Mortel |retouched

The Minox Files

At 8 x 11 mm, the Minox has the smallest-sized negatives in analog photography, Mark van den Brink cuts the polyester film to size himself before loading it into his Minox camera. He bought the camera with the idea that it allows you to photograph the things around you inconspicuously, like a voyeur. During his… Continue reading The Minox Files

Bill, a textless magazine

BILL is a yearly magazine of photographic stories, edited and designed by graphic designer Julie Peeters. Until now 4 issue have been published between 2017-2023In this experimental photography magazine Julie plays with the notion of the image as a material object prioritizing visual reading without distraction. The magazine is also a visual reader, presenting new… Continue reading Bill, a textless magazine


The book of photographs ‘AS IF‘ is the sequel to ‘A NOT B’, wherein quotidian items are again staged and captured through the camera’s unblinking eye. Yet the images are no longer set in the innocent atmosphere of the preschool years, when the world is read through analogies, but catapulted into a darker space of… Continue reading AS IF

The Athens Recorder

What do people do, if they are out in the street? Reading? Waiting? Can we recognize the inhabitant, the stranger, the traveler by his actions and deeds in an urban setting? This is the premise of Johannes Schwartz’s exploration, which was set in Athens in the fall of 2015. Places of culture and consumption, streets,… Continue reading The Athens Recorder


Tupac Biggie


presents a visual history of Dana Lixenberg’s iconic photographs of the legendary artists Tupac and Biggie, considered by many the best rappers of their time.
These photographs, commissioned by VIBE magazine in 1993 and 1996, have been appropriated over the years by innumerable admirers around the world. The book shows for the first time both shoots in their entirety and retraces the unforeseen trajectory and ubiquity of these images. The publication is accompanied by an essay written by Robert Kenner and a poem by Kevin Powell.



Published by Roma publishers 2018

24 x 34 cm / 96 pages / english



Design: Mevis & van Deursen

Uranus . . . This Book is an Exhibition.! .?

The book (Uranus) is an exhibition. The pages can be arranged in sequence on a wall, creating a site-specific installation of 340 individual images over 21 square meters. It was produced on the occasion of the exhibition Karel Martens: Re-Production at IS A GALLERY in Shanghai. Distributed in a limited edition, Martens invites participation in… Continue reading Uranus . . . This Book is an Exhibition.! .?

Karel Martens says; Every Day Is A New Day.! Calendar 2024

Dutch graphic designer and self-proclaimed supporter of amateurism Karel Martens (1939), has been an influential figure in the visual culture of the Netherlands for many decades. Alongside his commissioned projects, Martens has maintained a commitment to this personal and iterative way of printing, which shows how creative practice often spans perceived disciplinary boundaries. Karel Martens… Continue reading Karel Martens says; Every Day Is A New Day.! Calendar 2024

THE FOLD an exploration of the creative process

With elementary materials – wood, paper, clay, tape, paint – artist Fleur van Dodewaard creates ephemeral compositions that play with the possibilities of photography, sculpture, and painting. Situated at those intersections, her work uses photography to achieve the final result. ‘THE FOLD’ presents ten years of practice, reshaped according to the principles of book production: folding, cutting, binding.

Durable Discussions at Sandberg Institute [NL]

This compact pocketsize hott of the press little book comprises seventeen essays written by designers and artists from the [Temporary Program 2020-2022] Disarming Design Department of Sandberg Instituut [NL] to celebrate their two year program. Engaged in social, material, and political struggles, the individuals retell their personal histories, writing across objects, events, places, and habits.… Continue reading Durable Discussions at Sandberg Institute [NL]

Typefaces– have other interests besides –Words

Jungmyung Lee is a graphic/type designer, running a type foundry, called Jung-Lee Type Foundry based in Amsterdam. Through J-LTF, Jungmyung’s primary focus is telling stories and exploring the life of typefaces and their emotions as she manifests typefaces have their own courses of life. She publishes the experimental typography, art, and literary journal, Real-Time Realist. Through… Continue reading Typefaces– have other interests besides –Words

Rapid Eye Movement

Light Sleep, the creation of a typeface This typeface is inspired by some dreams and the different steps of the sleep are represented: 1. Light Sleep 2. Rapid Eye Movement 3. Deep Sleep.The reading of the typeface is following these different steps, in the last step, Deep Sleep, the letter are not readable at all.… Continue reading Rapid Eye Movement


The relationship between language and the city is the main themes of Superstructure – a retrospective on the small Amsterdam based graphic design studio Experimental Jetset
By focusing on four (sub-)cultural movements that have greatly informed the practice of Experimental Jetset (Constructivism, the Situationist International, the Provo movement, and the Post-Punk continuum), various ways in which the languages of these movements manifested themselves in the city are explored, just as the city manifested itself in the languages of these movements.
It results an abstract representation of a fragmented metropolis, in which these different movements exist at the same time, not unlike overlapping districts or zones.

notes on Experimental Jetset

Four years after ‘Statement and Counter-Statement’ (2015), Experimental Jetset returned in 2019 with their second paperback Full Scale False Scale Notes on Experimental Jetset /Vol.3 for Roma Publications. Whereas the previous publication had a more overall monographic scope, ‘Full Scale False Scale’ focuses on a single project: the large, site-specific installation that the studio created… Continue reading notes on Experimental Jetset

Warehouse is an Amsterdam [NL] based fashion platform that aims to create an open, inclusive and engaging environment that facilitates critical dialogue and the creation of a discourse that goes beyond treating fashion as a commodity. It was founded by Elisa van Joolen, Femke de Vries and Hank van der VoetIn the last 2 years… Continue reading

One-to-One Reader

One-to-One refers to a working method in which items of clothing became large-sized printing tools, covered in black and blue ink. Each clothing item served as a stamp, and was simultaneously being stamped on, thus creating a chain reaction and making each clothing item an original and a copy. As such the project One-to-One offers… Continue reading One-to-One Reader