TP In-House Books 2024

TEST PRESS Latest Pop-Up Event is In-House Books. Books on the shelves and a Lounge to see, touch, read and find unexpected gems. see post for more info:

All Books Are Out . . !

Test Press Books #3 was on. Books were on the table from 12 to 22 Oct.2023 and many visitors, browsed the collection amazed at this opportunity

“Moving Matters”

MOVING MATTERS . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 days Workshop! . . by Dutch artist Ruth van Beek
organized by KNOW-HOW SHOW-HOW . . . . . . .
taking place October 14 to 16 / from 10.00 – 16.00hrs at the Slopi Kopi printspace, as part of the ‘Test Press Books #3’ . . . . read more >

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Само когато някой те гледа, тогава се получава портрет

Only when someone is looking at you, then you have a portrait . . . | talk at Synthesis Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 October (Monday) 17:00 – 21:00 2022 |
Henk Groenendijk initiator of Test Press Books #3 presented a small but richly varied selection of mainly Dutch portrait photo books at the space of Synthesis gallery. To tie in with the ongoing exhibition, some books and selected portrait photos will focus on animals too.

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some banners* for Test Press Books #3

Type design by Inna Kochkina in GRAPHO-Cyrillic & ‘JOOS’ text __________________________________________________ * banner for виж magazine

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Test Press Books is back in town . . ! #3

Participating in the small CREATIVE EUROPE DESK store. Popping-up in an alley yard with KO-OP & Slopi Kopi, ‘artist talking’ with visitors and participants, good music by TABA’s Dj. Check your media for the Test Press Books #3 events . . ! ___________________________________________________ Test Press Books #3 takes place at KO-OP, Sofia / 12*-22 Oct… Continue reading Test Press Books is back in town . . ! #3

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New Edition > TEST PRESS BOOKS| 2 |

A New Edition of Pop-Up Books : issue [2] . . . . . . . . . 20*-30 October 2022 |
at: KO-OP | Yanko Sakazov bul. 17, Sofia . . . . . . . . . .
Test Press Books is an exhibition & book-sales of independent publications.
The exhibition presents: an unique poster wall by OPS Type and installation & book presentation by artist Uta Eisenreich on her latest publication ‘AS IF’.
A wide spectrum of other publications will be available in small numbers to create insight in the scope of independent books.
Special focus will be on art theory & practice, education and city-culture & architectural planning through editions by publisher Valiz [NL]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . For more details see ‘Events page’

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Dutch photo book Design is fine | talk at SYNTHESIS

Dutch photobook Design is fine | talk at Synthesis Gallery . . . 03 October (Monday) 17:00 – 21:00 2022 |
Henk Groenendijk initiator of Test Press Books[2] gives an informal talk and presents a selection of contemporary Dutch photobooks at the exhibition space of Gallery Synthesis.
Publications of renowned publisher Van Zoetendaal provide insight into a sophisticated design process while the other books create a contrast between classic design and current design experiments.
But most and foremost all fantastic, ephemeral, energetic, inquisitive, voyeuristic or plainly high-level photography. Do not miss it!

Categorized as event, talks

RADICAL PLAY |poster show

12*-19.05.2022 | at: Espace PORT A, Sofia . . . . part of FIG.2 Festival and the European Art Night Sofia
With RADICAL PLAY |poster show we presented a selection of radical posters from the collection of Henk Groenendijk [NL].
Snatched from the walls of Rietveld Academie Amsterdam and collected over the years they represent a dynamic and playful design attitude of student in the bachelor and master programs.