Preview talk at Synthesis Galery, Sofia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

textless magazine by Julie Peeters
November 18th Test Press organized an informal talk at the exhibition space of Synthesis. Henk Groenendijk talked shortly about the selection of contemporary photo-books that he brought with him. Some unique books like Athens recorder, High Series, Bill Magazine, Batia Suter’s Parallel Encyclopedia, Tiergarten, Frido Troost an educational archive of 2863 slides and ‘Building Fiction’s latest publication No Thanks I Am Just Looking were on the table for viewing. All photo-books were ‘independent’ publications initiated by photographers or designers as authors in close cooperation.

published by Johannes Schwartz in cooperation with Experimental Jetset on the occasion of the exhibition Temporary House of Home at the New Institute, Rotterdam NL
As the meeting progressed more and more intense conversations led to exchanges of views between them and the public. A lot of questions focused on the obvious collaborative working method of presented photographers and designers. Answers pointed to education which played a crucial role in the establishment of that collaboration.
At an other table interested fans of Synthesis Gallery browsed through books that Henk donated to the library of Synthesis among which an early catalogue of the famous ‘The Family of Man’ exhibition in the MOMA (NY) ©1955

all books are part of Test Press Books Pop-Up / 2021